Just a note to say hi. I have had some fans, not sure if they are still around though. I have slowed my writing way down even though I still have ideas I want to write.
Musings of L.E. Doggett
I decided I needed a place to vent and/or to celebrate about writing. I'm a Wordsmith: stories, novels, poems, religious statements, political commentaries. I Post on writing: how to-venting-updates on my writing, and on anything I'm excited about. I will also be posting a story or three. And I review on books and /or writers I'm reading and anything else that might strike my fancy such as concerts I've been to, adventure dreams I recall etc..
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Saturday, May 13, 2023
Yay, new fantasy novel
Just wanted to say that I have a new book out. A fantasy set in alt world. An American Native mage is looking for a very ancient and powerful talisman. Even though he does not know what it looks like, or where it is, he knows he has to find it to hide it again. What he also does not know is that other mages are looking for it also. They want to use it to control the world.
At Amazon and Barnes and noble online.
Monday, May 1, 2023
Hello again
Not sure if anyone who had followed this blog is still following it after so long, but hello I think I will be back to do it.
Monday, December 14, 2020
Newest book still for sell
A grand adventure as Lance tries to find out who is messing with his rep. See if he discovered who it is before the person can kill Lance.
At Barnes and Noble plus Amazon and Kobo and other E-book sites. Under L. E. Doggett
Monday, July 13, 2020
Book sale to relax a bit
A sale on two of my paper books. I happen to have eight copies each these two books, and decided to place them on sale. Usually $11.99 each these are $8 each which includes shipping for these two new books, as long as the eight books each last.
And I have eight used books on sell. From one dollar to four dollars plus shipping for the used books. The "Tigershark #1 Cold Blue Death" is the one dollar one. The "Guns Above" noble is five dollars plus shipping. Pictures below.
My "The Courier" is an exciting steampunk adventure and is pictured with "Adventures of Lance Starhammer" is an action packed Science Fiction. Both fun tales. Have some coffee, or a cold chocolate drink, and enjoy a good tale.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Birthday Sale on all of my novels
Hello, Time for my yearly birthday sale. Monday June 22 is a special birthday for I have reached a milestone.
Everyone of my E-books is a $1.11 off (No I am not a 111 years old. It isn't that milestone yet :) )
And all of my paper novels are two dollars off-except for one which they only allowed me to reduce 1.44 . They will be on sale until June 27.
Whatever the price they are fun reads with adventure, mysteries, suspense and action. Western short stories, Urban Fantasy, steampunk, Science Fiction adventure.
Here is my Amazon author's page https://www.amazon.com/L-E-Doggett/e/B01C58R1II…
and https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/%22L.%20E.%20Doggett%22…
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Sell on Lance Starhammer May one and two E-book and paper book
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Yo, a new book published: Adventures of Lance Starhammer. Science Fiction
And here for the paper version
Here for the E-book on Barnes and Noble
Other sites to follow but should be on kobo, iTunes and other e-book sites.
Paper upcoming to Barnes and Noble too

Monday, April 20, 2020
A redone version of a great adventure tale The Courier. E-books on sale
This one is now even better for I just revised it, cleaned up some punctuations that somehow didn't get changed and redid many sentences, added 1100+ words in making it even more readable. Grand adventure and action.
Along the way she has to grow up and realize that she needs a good rep isn’t everything, if she survives the next few days
Paper version on Amazon
Plus the e-book version is also on sell at Various sites listed here.

Paper version can also be found at Barnes and Noble online